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BitEgreen Market Inc.
 is an innovative environmental venture that began its conception in July 2017 which uses a technological system to (1) assign monetary value to sustainable actions and reusable & recyclable material, using various smart technology and an integrated online marketplace; (2) educate on best practices; (3) ethically analyse data for greater resource efficiency; (4) market general products & services; (5) motivate participation via gamification (i.e. the application of game design elements, techniques and principles to business and social impact challenges to motivate participation and improve engagement – the “Upcycle Lit Game); and (6) provide awards for all citizens and businesses; making it easy to efficiently produce, market, launch, donate, sell and purchase products and services via a circular economy method utilizing recycling and the reduction of various forms of waste (including food waste) and other socially responsible actions as catalysts. This system is capable of (but not dependent on) using barcode scanner scales, smart garbage bins, reverse vending machines, mobile phones and an integrated online marketplace. As such, BitEgreen’s system is also designed to be accessible to disadvantaged persons within societies.

This venture will also help to mitigate multiple sustainable development challenges related to climate change, waste management, health, energy efficiency, water scarcity, food security, biodiversity including marine resources, knowledge transfer, women’s empowerment and economic growth in a single solution.

Up to 1500 tonnes of garbage may be produced daily on a small island. Some escapes, especially plastic which severely threatens and damages marine and coastal biodiversity which billions of people all around the world depend on for their livelihoods – yes, it is even getting into our food, via our food chain. Other threats include harm to tourism products and the general business sector, flooding from blocked drainage systems, plus overall environmental health.  Shockingly – up to 70% of garbage produced is recyclable! Additionally, a country with high imports, also generates waste throughout the journey of each product purchased globally.

United Nations Environment Programme reported that “Methane can stay in the atmosphere up to twelve (1️2️) years, during which it is eighty (8️0️) times more powerful than carbon dioxide in warming our planet.” Additionally, “Researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa have found that several greenhouse gases are emitted as common plastics degrade in the environment. Their study reports the unexpected discovery of the universal production of greenhouse gases methane and ethylene by the most common plastics when exposed to sunlight.” Other researchers are also raising red flags about plastic’s rapidly growing carbon footprint. “Left unchecked, greenhouse gas emissions associated with plastics will be nearly four times greater by mid-century, when they are projected to account for nearly one-sixth of global emissions.”

The circular economy aims to use resources for as long as possible, extracting as much value from them as is practicable to recover and regenerate products and materials. A circular economy would also both maximize the benefits of plastics and minimize their ill effects, through such measures as producing them from plants rather than fossil fuels; encouraging recycling and reuse; and using plastic wastes as a resource as reported by the Global Environment Facility.

The World Economic Forum has reported that implementing the circular economy worldwide could yield material cost savings of up to $1 trillion a year by 2025. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development has estimated that it could unlock business opportunities worth $4.5 trillion. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimated a global net increase of jobs between 7 and 8 million by 2030 due to shifting towards circular economy, as compared to business-as-usual.

According to Statista: the global waste and recycling services market had a total size of 55.1 billion USD in 2020. The Global Waste Recycling and Circular Economy Market Report 2021: recorded 457.14 billion USD in 2020; additionally

– The global Gamification Market size was 11.69 Billion USD in 2021, expected to reach $96.8 billion by 2030;

The global Big Data and Business Analytics Market size was valued at 240.56 billion USD in 2021; and

The global Information Technology (IT) market size was 8.4 trillion USD in 2021.

We can agree that consumers and employees prefer to deal with socially and environmentally responsible companies; and building a reputation as a related responsible business can lead to a competitive advantage, such as attracting customers and positive media attention. Additionally, we believe that given the appropriate incentives and motivation, youths have the power to greatly impact waste management, and even reverse the downward trend or poor recycling practices.

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Our solution to the waste management challenge incentivizes wider participation in sustainable actions, such as recycling, energy and water usage, tackles issues of sorting garbage at the source before being gathered for disposal – (rather than after being mixed with “wet” waste, thus rendering a significant portion of recyclables as useless), and develops an innovative convenient and reliable disposal, and collection network for waste. This system improves existing sustainability programmes, while educating users, addresses cultural change to engender desired behaviours, and reduces costs associated with waste management. Furthermore, our model offers businesses (e.g. merchants, hotels and other institutions such as schools etc.) and individuals a chance to increase earnings via participation; with recycling companies being able to receive increased volumes of presorted recyclable material.

We aim to directly reduce the levels of recyclable material, food waste and nutrient pollution entering landfills and the marine environment; and therefore expect wider participation and tangible data in sustainable best practices, with a measurable impact on reducing costs and litter on the land and seascape, offsetting carbon footprints and keeping recyclables and food waste out of the waste stream while generating new products and services from waste material, inclusive of compost to be used as organic fertilizer. Contact us to learn more about how we can add real value to your business’ Environmental Social Governance (ESG) strategy. Why?… Because throwing away huge amounts of money and destroying valuable natural resources is nothing to be proud of; and we all have a duty to be responsible for our impact in the communities we serve.

Our Vision is to facilitate and catalyse the 100% capture and distribution of reusable, recyclable and renewable resources material on planet Earth toward sustainable products (i.e. useful products that can be created from reused or recycled material and are environmentally friendly), by working with businesses/organizations and individuals each playing a part in a manner that incentivizes all.

It doesn’t matter where, or what kind of legitimate product or service you offer or item that can be reused or recycled… All businesses and citizens can partner in this Solution and continue to be, or become environmental and social/community stewards! We do support the idea of being plastic free, but also view efficient capture of plastic for reuse rather than the production of new plastic to be feasible in some cases as well.

Pollution is a massive and complex problem that has persisted for decades. An effective solution to a problem like this requires long term comprehensive critical thinking and innovation from experts to solve the problem, no overnight Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) marketing strategy will work or is ethical. We’ve put in the work and sacrificed the time to help all businesses and individuals do real good in the world. Let’s do it together!

The project has been approved (13/11/2020) by The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP) under the UNDP; and we had positive feedback in our initial stage of development from the Delegation of the European Union to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM.


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Come!… Go circular via technology while we earn, play, learn, towards addressing multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals!

~ Sustainable actions made easy! ~


Contact us to view our prototype tool for stakeholders.

All Rights Reserved (c) 2017–2021 Simera R. Crawford.

Learn more about the Circular Economy here

(Zoom in – See details below: May 5th, 2020)

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Beat Plastic Pollution


Sustainable solutions based on innovation can create a more resilient world only if that innovation is focused on the health and well-being of its inhabitants. And it is at that point – where technology and human needs intersect – that we will find meaningful innovation.

~ 🔹Frans van Houten

When private sector, government, social and philanthropic leaders apply innovative partnerships and technologies to address social challenges and build sustainable communities, the impact is multiplied.

~🔹Tae Yoo

We don’t have a choice but to do this. This is imperative for our survival. … If you think about starting a business today, designing a business around a circular economy philosophy, ultimately it’s going to give you better returns in the long run.
~ 🔹Christopher Davis

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