



Living a creative life comes with its unique set of joys, lessons and mystery; here are a few points:

It is customary for persons to be motivated by their pay cheques/paychecks, especially when you have predetermined ideologies with goals and family members depending on your support.

However, if you have willingly chosen a creative path, your dependence on a paycheck for motivation is usually significantly reduced. That is why determining your “why” or “purpose” as a creative is extremely important, as that is the motivation that keeps you going over anything else. Adding to this, determining your why is not an overnight process but is gradual with your personal growth.

Given these points, it goes without saying that the creative path tends to have a significant impact on the traditional path to personal relationships. For this to improve, a society that readily embraces far sighted goals and equitably expects and prepares for these eventualities as much as short sighted traditions is a must.

Also, social issues related to gender roles, racism, culture, class, knowledge and the like, are very much still with us and must be faced when considering the concepts of thinking big and wealth generation. All in all, a creative path is necessary for advancement in any community, and is well worth it!

© 2020, Simera R. Crawford,
(Executive Founder, @Cembiorg & @BitEgreenMarket | We’re building online…join us!)


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