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Many Entrepreneurs often express building a team as one of the most challenging parts of their journey—not funding—but building a team. But why is a team even necessary? If you are in the field of solving huge problems, then teams are extremely essential compared to if you are in the business of offering a single service or product—and even in those situations, teams are essential for efficiency and growth.

“If money is your hope for independence you will never have it (i.e. independence). The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.”
~🔹Henry Ford

Here are some tips and tricks for solving big problems:

To innovate within any field, you need to brainstorm with professionals both inside and outside that/your area of expertise. Why is this? Persons within a field are familiar with that field to the point where they may neglect the fact that others do not possess the same knowledge that they do about that field. Hence, this kind of pairing always enhances the quality of innovation.

To innovate in any instance, you must possess the aptitude for doing so to begin with. Think of it this way—some people will be great singers, some can become great singers, and others—well, not so much.

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
~ 🔹Albert Einstein

Time really does heal all wounds… Some gurus suggest that if you focus on your innovation without funding it in the early stages of development… you would have ultimately dedicated the right amount of time, thought (and energy) needed to better solve that huge problem. Even more so when it is your first start-up.

So why is building a team difficult again?

In some cases, persons simply may not be ready or prepared to embark on the path; and others may not be open to your goals being achieved, or at least not open to them being achieved as quickly as they really can. This can be for a varying number of reasons…all linked to how success is perceived individually, as a business, or society.

One thing in life is for certain, the more profoundly baffled you have been in your life, the more open your mind becomes to new ideas.
~ 🔹Neil deGrasse Tyson

A positive contribution, no matter how small, is still forward movement. So, do not be afraid to collaborate!  Also feel free to ensure that your intellectual property will not be overly exploited in a negative way, and vice versa; as most, if not all creativity, is built on some other form of creativity.

“Knowledge is love and light and vision.”
~ 🔹Helen Keller

Whether or not a team member is a good or perfect fit, you will either gain or they will gain along both your individual journeys—hopefully helping others along the way. Remember that self-employment, entrepreneurship, innovation, and building a business is always a life journey first—and anything else after!

 Team Selection Values

© 2020, Simera R. Crawford,
(Executive Founder, @Cembiorg & @BitEgreenMarket | We’re building online…join us!)


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