
What is one of the things lingering on my mind?

Health matters… Apparently our brain prefers information linked to our experiences or gained knowledge. I am experiencing some SLE (lupus) joint pains along with Raynaud’s (so this “cold” weather we’ve been having here is still no joke for some) However, I finally went to report and get this confirmed, and got some medication. I pray that this all will be settled in a few months.

But this takes me back to how we think. I decided at the beginning of the pandemic that I would not take the vaccine. Not because I do not know the benefits of vaccines, but because I know how vaccines work, and I also know the immunobiology around how my autoimmune disease works, and I am aware of my lifestyle habits. Now one can ask, but what if you caught Covid-19, isn’t that a risk also?… Other than the incidence of blood clots occurring, the immune system would be aroused from its usual state on contracting the virus – as with administering a vaccine, causing my autoantibodies to be more active again which can be harmful to my own body either way…and a such, the vaccine would make sense as a safer option.

If I was on immunosuppressants for my condition i.e. actively treating a lupus flare, then I believe I may be a bit more inclined to take the vaccine, not because the vaccine is more effective in this case… as it is not for immunocompromised patients… but because there is a layer of protection to keep auto-immune antibodies in check, along with the fact that it is more dangerous for you to be infected with COVID-19 of all things with a compromised immune system. A vaccine would help you to recover more quickly with lesser chance of serious illness and death.

Now a person in remission for years, no medication as a cushion, managing mainly by lifestyle, is a different story altogether. It is like seeing a resting Pit Bull on a chain, and deciding to go over and pull its chain that might not be attached to anything you may be aware of or can see.
Lifestyles, attitudes and temperaments are personal, so people do not automatically place that in an assessment… and can expect that these things to be fluid in nature.

All decisions are based on knowledge, experiences and mindsets. So we have to navigate this space with the basics and basis of knowing when we should make decisions, i.e. knowing what type of energy, knowledge, emotions and conditions influence us and others when making decisions.


Be grateful and own this! It’s all about perspective.

I know now for sure that I’m probably one of the few persons who should have avoided my vaccine, it was my original intention. Reason being: after doing a full SLE health check-up with blood tests in January this year (2021) and having an excellent report, I simply did not want to take any risks regarding my autoimmune condition. I also felt like my lifestyle had prepared me to easily accept this decision too.
However, without the vaccine the consequences were projected to be adverse for some with underlying conditions. In the/my case of SLE (lupus), the benefits of the vaccine are believed to outweigh possible consequences, while some doctors also suggested that persons in remission from auto-immune conditions should hold off a bit (e.g. on CNN re Q&A focus group). It is therefore a gamble for some.
For the majority, you can just go straight ahead and get the vaccine available to you; it was just fine/safe for other family members and friends, even those with similar conditions & history with blood clots. Remember, vaccines usually reduce: severity and death from diseases if contracted; (and in some cases, i.e. not all) transmission of an existing disease to & from others; also, generation of new variants.
(After a CT scan), I’m fortunate to have(/and sure that I will) overcome the effects experienced (🩸-Thrombosis🦵& Pulmonary Embolism (PE)-🫁💊] and any effects✍🏾🦴present and still consider it a blessing to be fully vaccinated…God’s grace. (Some vaccines don’t carry this risk.) Always thankful, especially to all those who aided, wish well and prayed.🙏🏾
After a full check up in September, 2020 with my nephrologist… all is well internally… little aches and pains here and there; and it is thought by multiple doctors that the only thing that could be responsible for my episode and slight relapse is the vaccine… Grateful still, given that it all turned out well to my benefit!… But what if it didn’t?… But it did, and that is all presently!


© 2022, Simera R. Crawford,
(Executive Founder, @Cembiorg & @BitEgreenMarket | We’re building online…join us!)


(Cover Photo source: Dreamstime, free and royalty-free stock photo)

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